Mission and Vision

Coach Delisa's Vision
My vision, and life purpose, is to help create a world where people live, work, and play together, with respect, integrity, and true faith in God; where everyone feels heard, appreciated, valued and can be remarkable.
Coach Delisa's Commitment
My commitment is focusing on using my God-given gift to fulfill my vision, as if my life depends on it, because it does. In my journey, I will honor and love myself, understanding that my value and worth comes from God; not from the opinion and approval of others. God will put the right people in my life, remove or distance the toxic people and I will honor and respect that. I will constantly do my best to give people grace by working on developing humility. I will receive my strength and direction in my quiet time with God which I will make a priority daily. This is my commitment and mission in this worldly life. Will I live this out perfectly? Not even close, so I asked for grace and forgiveness as I go along.
Our Core Concepts
Compassion – listening, identifying needs, and conveying empathy.
Respect – accepting others with patience and kindness and not being judgmental.
Nurturing – creating an environment where people can feel safely vulnerable.
Trustworthy – being honest, telling it like it is using integrity as a solid bedrock of high ethical moral standards.
Faith-based – allowing God in our hearts and believing that He guides us to live a life that honors Him and results in a purpose-filled life on earth that honors each other.